There are lives that can be saved with marijuana.

The law may take a person's life.

If the law takes away a life that could have been saved....

There are lives in front of us that can be saved. We have the means to save them. We want to do everything we can without reason.

What we can do now.

Save Ai!

CBD is a lifeline. We want to protect love and smiles."

Hello, my name is Daishi Tokuyama. This child is Ai Tokuyama. Ai has a serious congenital disability. She was told she might not live to be 3 years old, but at the age of 2 years and 9 months, she started using CBD and it saved her life. She was in and out of the hospital repeatedly, but now she is hardly ever in the hospital anymore. He is now 7 years old and very healthy. We have always wanted parents with epilepsy to try CBD and have recommended it to them. However, the law is going to be changed on October 1, 2024 and people who need CBD, including my love, will not be able to use it. Currently, it is very difficult to use this product because of the time-consuming procedures and the fact that I am working. We would like to hear from you so that we can make it easier to reach those who need it in the future. Please help us by signing our petition. Thank you very much.”

Please don't take the CBD away from us."

We are a group of patients who use the ingredient cannabidiol (CBD) to maintain their well being for a variety of ailments, including epilepsy, cancer, and chronic pain.

Although CBD does not have addictive or abusive properties, the manufacturing process of cannabis inevitably involves the presence of trace amounts of THC (narcotics). This is a very strict value that is violated by the majority of CBD products distributed in Japan.

If the new rules are enforced as they are, we will not be able to use the CBD products we have been using. We desperately need CBD to stay healthy. This is a life-threatening issue. Please do not take CBD away from us. (Volunteers for the Continued Use of CBD)

"A choice between life and the law!"

CBD is a major component of cannabis along with THC, and most cannabis-derived CBD products currently in circulation in Japan have a THC concentration of 0.02%, and no problems or accidents have occurred due to their use. However, the new law scheduled to come into effect on October 1st will change this THC concentration from 0.02% to 0.0001%, and most CBD products currently in use will disappear from the market as a result of the new law.

Globally, cannabis, especially CBD containing even a small amount of THC, is recognized as an option because of its effectiveness in treating intractable diseases such as epilepsy. However, the current Cannabis Control Law in Japan prohibits the medical use of marijuana, and there were high hopes among medical professionals, patients, and patients’ families that the new law, scheduled to take effect on October 1, would allow the use of marijuana as a medicine and make it more convenient to use for the improvement of medical conditions. However, the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW) policy has been going in a direction that is far behind the expectations, and many people have voiced their doubts about the policy.

Although users, especially those who use these drugs for life-threatening seizure control, insomnia, and psychotropic drug abstinence, have been hoping for a change in the law, stricter THC regulations have left them with only one option, Epidiolex, which can be used only for certain epilepsy symptoms and is expected to become expensive, illegal to use, and financially burdensome. The use of Epidiolex is expected to be illegal and financially burdensome.

Many experts question the operation of the new law, which threatens the health of those who are currently being helped by CBD products in general circulation in a wait-and-see situation, and even the right to life is being ignored and taken away, and the national policy of weighing law and life has evolved into a human rights issue.

Experts abroad have voiced their doubts because there are global examples that began with a single girl.

Charlotte. More Japanese people around the world respond to this word than you can imagine. The CBD product that bears her name, Charlotte’s Web, took the world by storm and remains a popular product today.

In August 2013, a CNN program titled “Weed” caused a nationwide uproar. It was a documentary about Charlotte. She is the younger of twin sisters living in Colorado. From the time she was three months old, she began having unexplained seizures and was in and out of the hospital repeatedly, trying various medications but with no signs of improvement. It was not until about six months past the age of two that the name of the disease was discovered. The name of the disease was Travé syndrome. It is an intractable form of epilepsy that has been designated an intractable disease in Japan.

Charlotte, now 5 years old, had over 300 seizures and cardiopulmonary arrests per week. We tried several drugs, including deleterious drugs and animal drugs, but none of them worked for Charlotte. She decided to try medical marijuana, which she had been opposed to, and went to a marijuana dispensary in search of marijuana high in CBD, the main ingredient in marijuana, which she found to be effective. The high CBD variety of marijuana drastically reduced Charlotte’s seizures.

She also received a donation from the Stanley brothers, who saw the potential in CBD and were seeking to produce cannabis with a high concentration of CBD. The brothers went on to found the Realm of Caring Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides cannabis to people suffering from epilepsy, cancer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, etc. The CBD oil “Charlotte’s Web” was named after her and is still sold today. Charlotte’s Web” was named after her and became the CBD oil that is still sold today. Charlotte, the very “founder of the Green Rush,” who was widely publicized at the time by “Weed,” which led not only the media but also the government to create a huge movement called the “Green Rush,” continued to recover and grow until she was able to ride a bicycle by taking it twice a day, but lost her life due to corona-related complications. She was 13 years old. Charlotte is no longer suffering. She no longer worries about seizures. Thank you for loving her,” her mother’s statement read. If marijuana can save a child from suffering like hers, we know what we need to do.

There are lives that can be saved with marijuana.

The law may take a person's life.

If the law takes away a life that could have been saved...,

There are lives in front of us that can be saved. We have the means to save them. We want to do everything we can without reason.

What we can do now.


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