On December 13, 2023, a law was promulgated to partially revise the Marijuana Control Law and the Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Law, dividing the existing “marijuana cultivator’s license” into a “Type 1 marijuana cultivator’s license” issued by the prefectural governor and a “Type 2 marijuana cultivator’s license” issued by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare. The Type I license is valid for three years, while the Type II license is valid for one year. However, due to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s policy change after the new law was enacted, an increasing number of prefectures are positively considering issuing licenses, and the number of licensees and applicants is increasing in Mie Prefecture, Hokkaido, and other prefectures. Currently, the number of marijuana fields in Japan is less than 10 hectares, and even if all the marijuana fields in Japan were gathered together, it would not be enough for a single overseas farmer. Even after obtaining a license, it is still unclear how to utilize the marijuana cultivated and create outlets for it, and there are many issues such as how to deal with price and quality competition from overseas.