In Japan today, marijuana is not hemp. The Household Goods Quality Labeling Law enacted in 1961 designates ramie and flax (flax/linen) as “hemp,” and hemp itself, the original hemp, cannot be labeled as “hemp. %と表示のある服は100% as 100 hemp is not %と表示のある服は100% hemp, but ramie and flax (flax/linen). Cannabis had been designated as an undesignated fiber. Even after partial revision, the situation remains the same, and labels such as “plant fiber (hemp)” and “plant fiber (cannabis)” must be used. If not only the Marijuana Control Law but also the Household Goods Quality Labeling Law is not revised, it would be a disservice to marijuana, which has supported Japan’s culture as the most familiar fiber since the days when neither cotton nor silk existed in Japan.