The Deep State refers to the elite of bureaucrats and business who wield influence behind the scenes of the government and are deeply involved in agricultural policy. The oil and chemical industries, especially DuPont, play an important role in this regard. Their aim is to establish political and economic dominance by controlling agricultural production through chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and seed technology, and by controlling the food supply.
The oil industry is involved in agriculture through the supply of petroleum products, which are the raw materials for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and dominates the market by strengthening agriculture’s dependence on oil. The chemical industry increases short-term yields through the spread of agricultural chemicals, but at the same time causes soil degradation and environmental destruction. DuPont, in particular, is a global leader in the agricultural chemical industry and has increased its market dominance through the mass production and sale of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. DuPont has promoted the development of pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified crops, promoting agricultural efficiency, while behind the scenes expanding the centralization of agriculture and unsustainable agricultural models.
This has led to agricultural policies that are driven by short-term profits and have led to the spread of unsustainable agricultural systems that are dependent on oil and chemicals, centralizing the food supply and maximizing corporate profits, with serious consequences for the environment and ecosystems.
The Influence of Chemical Fertilizers and Deep State Modern Agriculture
The development of modern agriculture has been based on technological innovation and the widespread use of chemical fertilizers. This has led to a dramatic increase in agricultural productivity and a significant improvement in the global food supply. However, behind this is said to be the involvement of a certain class of powerful people with influence in governments and corporations, known as the Deep State. While ostensibly aiming to improve agricultural efficiency, they are actually acting to centralize control over agricultural production and maximize profits.
The spread of chemical fertilizers is closely linked to the interests of the oil industry and chemical companies, and the Deep State has expanded its market by manipulating agricultural policy. Mass production and sales of chemical fertilizers led by multinational corporations have improved agricultural efficiency in the short term, while ignoring the long-term negative effects on the soil and the environment. The Deep State has cooperated with these companies to strengthen agriculture’s dependence on oil, thereby strengthening its control over the food supply.
In the political context, the Deep State has expanded the influence of multinational corporations by deregulating government regulations and promoting the introduction of chemical fertilizers and genetically modified crops, transforming modern agriculture into a system that prioritizes profit over sustainability, with serious consequences for the environment and ecosystems.
Development of chemical fertilizers and the involvement of the deep state. Connections and influence of multinational corporations.
The development and growth of chemical fertilizers is deeply involved with the powerful class known as the Deep State. Chemical fertilizers were born at the end of the 19th century and spread rapidly with the subsequent innovation of agricultural technology. The Deep State has worked to maximize its profits by expanding the market for chemical fertilizers and deregulating them, while connecting with multinational corporations and governments. This influence has promoted the use of chemical fertilizers, while often overlooking their impact on the environment.
Chemical fertilizers have a significant impact on soil. These fertilizers usually contain chemical components such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which promote plant growth in the short term. However, in the long term, they disrupt the soil’s natural nutrient balance and have a negative impact on the microbial ecosystem. In particular, excessive use of chemical fertilizers can cause soil acidification and salt accumulation, damaging soil health.
Soil microbes play an important role in healthy soil. These microbes help plants absorb nutrients, maintain soil structure, and contribute to environmental protection. However, the long-term use of chemical fertilizers reduces the diversity and activity of these microbes, disrupting the soil ecosystem. As a result, soil productivity decreases and sustainable agriculture becomes difficult. The use of chemical fertilizers, promoted by Deep State intervention, is a factor that exacerbates these problems.
Deep State Manipulation of Regulations and the Spread of Chemical Fertilizers The Impact of Monoculture Agriculture
The Deep State has been deeply involved in the creation of policies and the manipulation of regulations that promote the use of chemical fertilizers, and through its influence it has strengthened ties with multinational corporations and controlled the market. The Deep State has promoted the widespread use of chemical fertilizers through agricultural policies, which has created an environment in which corporations control the agricultural market. This has resulted in short-term productivity gains at the expense of the long-term health of the environment and soil.
The monoculture of modern agriculture promotes the mass cultivation of a single crop, but at the same time causes a loss of biodiversity. Monoculture disrupts the soil’s nutrient balance and reduces microbial diversity. The Deep State promotes this agricultural model and supports the mass use of chemical fertilizers in order to produce more efficiently, but the negative impacts on soil health and ecosystems are becoming more serious.
The control structure of multinational corporations and the agricultural chemical industry has been formed under the influence of the deep state. These corporations control the market through the development and sale of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and maximize profits through deregulation. As a result, environmental destruction and soil degradation are progressing, and sustainable agriculture is becoming a thing of the past.
The transition to sustainable agriculture requires moving away from chemical fertilizers and restoring soils. It is important to adopt regenerative agricultural techniques and policies and re-establish natural ecosystems. Efforts to restore soil health and protect biodiversity are key to ensuring the sustainability of agriculture in the future.