NESARA's Inception, Philosophy and Objectives
NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act) and GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) are proposed economic stability and justice reform program. NESARA was proposed in the 1990s to address economic problems within the United States. Its goal is to eliminate economic inequality and corruption through debt forgiveness, tax reform, greater transparency in the government and banking system, and the introduction of a gold standard. GESARA is an extension of that U.S. domestic reform to a global scale, with the goal of nations around the world working together to promote similar reforms. Specifically, it includes international debt forgiveness, equitable distribution of resources, exposure of secret societies, and the creation of a fairer economic system. Both goals are aimed at creating a more stable and equitable world through a fundamental restructuring of the economy and politics.
Bringing prosperity and stability to all and eliminating poverty and hunger
Nesara Gesara s goal is to establish a just and sustainable economic system through significant reformof the world economy. Specifically, the government will increase monetary stability by canceling all debts of individuals and nations and restoring the gold standard. It also seeks to fundamentally reform the government and banking system to wipe out corruption and improve transparency. Furthermore, the government will abolish the personal income tax and instead introduce a new tax system, including a consumption tax and a value-added tax, to eliminate poverty and hunger through equitable redistribution of resources. In this way, the goal is to reduce economic inequality and bring prosperity and stability to all people.

Exemption from all debts of individuals and the state
The debt forgiveness proposed by Nesara Gesara is a bold initiative that would cancel all individual and national debts. This would include credit card debt, mortgages, student loans, and even international and interstate debt. The goal of debt forgiveness is to enable individuals and nations, freed from financial burdens, to become economically active again and achieve sustainable economic growth. Debt forgiveness is also expected to act as a reset for the financial system, facilitating reform of banks and financial institutions. However, much debate and criticism exists as to the feasibility of such large-scale debt forgiveness and its long-term impact.
Restoration of the Gold Standard
Nesara Gesara’s proposal includes an element of returning the world’s monetary system to a gold standard. The gold standard is a system in which the value of a currency is backed by its gold holdings, thereby ensuring the stability and reliability of the currency. The restoration of the gold standard is expected to curb inflation by constraining governments and central banks from issuing unlimited amounts of currency. It is also believed that having the value of currencies backed by gold, a real asset, will improve economic transparency and credibility and facilitate international economic transactions. However, there is much debate among economists and policymakers as to whether restoring the gold standard is realistic and effective in today’s complex economic system.
Government reforms to combat corruption and improve transparency
Nesara Gesara proposes a major reform of the government, the central goals of which are to eradicate corruption and increase transparency. Specifically, he aims to reorganize the current system of government and establish a fairer and more responsible political system. This includes the introduction of a new electoral system and stricter ethical standards for public officials. Another important element is the exposure and dismantling of secret societies and organizations considered to be shadow governments. These reforms are expected to restore citizen trust and improve the efficiency and fairness of government. However, achieving reforms on such a large scale entails many challenges, and the feasibility of such reforms continues to be debated.

Reform of the banking system, abolition of the central bank and creation of new financial institutions
Nesara Gesara’s proposed reform of the banking system involves the abolition of the central bank and the creation of a new financial institution. In doing so, it seeks to limit the banks’ pursuit of profit and create a financial system focused on the public good. Specifically, the proposal introduces stricter regulations on banks’ lending and investment activities and increases transparency. In addition, standards are supposed to be set to ensure fairness and ethics in the operations of financial institutions. This is expected to improve the stability of financial markets and correct economic inequalities. However, many questions and debates exist as to the feasibility and impact of such a major reform.
Elimination of income tax, reducing the financial burden on individuals.
NesaraGesara‘s proposal includes a bold plan to abolish the personal income tax. The abolition of the income tax is expected to reduce the economic burden on individuals and encourage consumption activities. In its place, the plan aims to raise government revenues by introducing a new tax system, including a consumption tax and a value-added tax (VAT). This is supposed to make the tax system simpler and ensure a fairer distribution of tax revenues. The abolition of the income tax is also said to improve the transparency and efficiency of the tax system, while at the same time contributing to the prevention of tax evasion. However, there is much debate and concern about the impact of the income tax repeal and transition to the new tax system on the economy as a whole.
Deep State Exposure and Demolition
NesaraGesara‘s proposal includes the exposure and dismantling of organizations that are considered secret societies or shadow governments. These organizations are alleged to be behind the scenes manipulating the world’s economy and politics and facilitating corruption and injustice. NESARAGESARA seeks to bring the existence of these secret societies to light and halt their activities in order to achieve a just and transparent society. This process is supposed to involve the release of large amounts of confidential information and the holding accountable of those involved. This is expected to restore the trust of citizens and promote the healthy development of democracy. However, many questions and debates exist as to how these secret societies will actually be exposed and dismantled, as well as the specific methods and impacts of this process.

Fairly redistribute the earth's resources and eliminate poverty and hunger around the world
NesaraGesara‘s proposal involves the equitable redistribution of the earth’s resources. By doing so, it aims to eliminate poverty and hunger around the world and correct economic inequalities. Specifically, the project will review the management and use of natural resources and establish mechanisms to ensure that resource-rich countries share the benefits more equitably. It will also assist all countries in achieving sustainable development through the sharing of technology and knowledge. This is expected to promote economic stability and growth and improve the basic quality of life for all. However, there is much debate about the feasibility of such a large-scale redistribution and the challenges associated with its implementation.
Conspiracy Theories and Criticisms
Nesara Gesara is often treated as part of a conspiracy theory, with extensive criticism of its reality and feasibility. These theories are generally considered to be based on scant evidence and information whose basis is uncertain. Many of the proposed reforms are noted to ignore the complexities of real political and economic systems and are considered unreliable as to their viability. In addition, claims about secret societies and shadow governments are often exaggerated and aimed at fomenting social disorder and fear. Therefore, these theories should be critically examined and require concrete evidence and a realistic approach.