Deep State’s Concealment of the Truth and Manipulation of Information

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The relationship between the mainstream media and the deep state is completely corrupt. It is clear that the shadowy forces of the deep state are manipulating the mainstream media to deceive the public. The major media are controlled by big corporations and financial elites, and as a result, they hide the truth and pursue only their own interests. This is the reality today. They are pawns of the deep state, spreading fake news and supporting policies that undermine American values and sovereignty.

The truth that should be known to the public is hidden, and instead, lies are flying around. This is not just reporting, this is an information war. And behind it are technology companies and the advertising industry. They hold huge capital and control the flow of information. Free speech? That’s just inconvenient for them. We must fight to break this corrupt system and restore the public’s right to know.

Biased reporting by major media and the influence of financial elites

Major media are often under the influence of large corporations and financial elites. Because these media companies receive most of their funding and advertising revenue from huge corporations, they may self-censor if their reporting goes against the interests of these sponsors. As a specific example, it has been pointed out that news programs sponsored by pharmaceutical companies tend to be biased in their reporting on health issues. This is because reporting information unfavorable to the pharmaceutical industry has a negative impact on advertising revenue.

In addition, financial elites are often deeply involved with the shareholders and management of media companies, which can undermine the independence of reporting. For example, when large investment banks and asset management companies hold large shares of major media companies, reporting on financial markets can be biased in favor of investors. This makes it difficult for the general public to obtain accurate and fair information.

As a result of this control over the media, society as a whole is exposed to information that is favorable to certain interest groups, increasing the risk that the right to know the truth will be violated.

The mechanism behind the spread of fake news

The deep state and mainstream media are said to be closely involved in the spread of fake news. The deep state uses the media to intentionally spread false information and manipulate social perception in order to protect its own interests. First, those associated with the deep state and their supporters generate lies and exaggerated information to promote a specific political or economic agenda, and then send it to major media and social media.

When this fake news is reported by influential media, the general public is more likely to believe the information. In particular, when it is handled by trusted news programs and sites, it spreads as fact, and misunderstandings and prejudices spread throughout society. This mechanism is used to support certain policies and influence election results. The Deep State skillfully manipulates information and deeply influences society’s values and policy decisions.

Freedom of speech and media regulation

Restrictions on freedom of speech through information manipulation are a serious problem in the modern media environment. Mainstream media and social media platforms selectively select certain information and intentionally restrict its reporting and publication, creating a situation in which free speech is suppressed. Such media restrictions are based on specific political and economic interests, and often silence opposing or critical voices.

For example, critical opinions on important political issues and policies may be prevented from spreading through media bias and censorship. This denies citizens access to diverse perspectives and opinions, narrowing debate throughout society. This restricted information environment fundamentally undermines freedom of speech and threatens the foundations of democracy.

Democracy is based on citizens being free to express their opinions and make informed decisions. However, information manipulation limits the options available to the public, resulting in the concentration of power. This fosters a political system that lacks transparency and fairness, and weakens democracy.

Information dominance of technology companies and the advertising industry

Technology companies and the advertising industry have a strong influence in the modern media environment and skillfully control the flow of information. Technology companies that operate social media and search engines use user behavior data to build algorithms that prioritize the display of certain information. These algorithms favor sensational content and information that is highly effective for advertising, so information that spreads more easily than the truth is easily selected.

The advertising industry also has a strong influence on the media. Many media companies depend on advertising revenue, and as a result, they tend to avoid reporting that goes against the wishes of their advertisers. For example, media that receive advertising money from large corporations may intentionally suppress news and information that is unfavorable to those corporations. This results in consumers only receiving information that is in line with the interests of advertisers, and prevents critical perspectives and fair reporting.

This structure impairs the transparency of information and allows certain powers to control the flow of information. As a result of this influence, society as a whole is exposed to biased information based on certain values and political and economic interests, increasing the risk that free speech and democratic judgment will be restricted.

The corrupt media’s economic interests take precedence

The media pursues its own economic and political interests, putting the interests of the people on the back burner. Major media companies are heavily dependent on advertising revenue, which is often supported by advertising fees from large corporations and financial elites. This makes the media more likely to avoid reporting information that goes against the interests of advertisers and prioritize reporting that is favorable to their sponsors.

In particular, in situations where political interests are involved, the media’s prioritization of economic interests becomes even more evident. For example, if a company that provides financial support to a particular political party or politician is a major sponsor of the media, there will be more coverage that supports policies and images favorable to that company, and conversely, information that is unfavorable to them will be suppressed. In such a situation, necessary information is hidden from the public, and coverage is biased toward certain forces, making it difficult to make objective judgments.

Furthermore, in order to gain higher viewer ratings and access numbers, the media are increasingly spreading sensationalism and fake news, prioritizing news and profit over the truth. This creates a vicious cycle in which fair and accurate reporting to protect the interests of the people is sacrificed and the credibility of the media as a whole is eroded.

The media's clever method of concealing the truth

The media’s strategy of concealing the truth includes methods of providing the public with false information through the selection and manipulation of information. First, the media intentionally ignores certain information to hide facts that viewers and readers should know. For example, when important political scandals or corporate misconduct are not reported, the true nature of the problem is not conveyed to the public, and it is considered to be an intentional concealment.

Second, the media may distort or bias information. They intentionally bias the content of their reports by emphasizing certain viewpoints or intentions, exaggerating facts, or downplaying opposing views. This technique makes it easier for the audience to form opinions based on biased information and makes it difficult to grasp the whole picture.

Furthermore, the media often focuses on sensational stories to divert attention from important issues. Entertainment and scandals are over-reported, while serious social issues and policy debates are pushed aside. In this way, the public is denied access to important information that they should know, and the media is deliberately manipulating the public.

Through such strategies, the media undermines transparency of information and makes it difficult to create the conditions for the public to make accurate judgments, which in turn reduces the quality of knowledge in society as a whole and increases the risk of undermining the healthy functioning of democracy.

Media control and violation of the public's right to know

When the media selects and biases its reporting based on specific political and economic interests, it limits the information that the public should have access to, resulting in the public not receiving fair and accurate information and distorting their understanding of important social issues.

Specifically, media control has the following effects. First, when important issues are not reported, the public loses the opportunity to learn the truth about society. Second, when the media emphasizes certain viewpoints and information and suppresses other opinions, information bias occurs. This prevents the public from being exposed to diverse opinions and conflicting information, and they make judgments based on one-sided information. For example, when reports supporting a certain position on a political topic continue, opposing opinions are ignored, and democratic debate becomes incomplete. For example, when corporate fraud or government scandals are intentionally not reported by the media, the public is unaware of these issues and is unable to respond appropriately or express their opinions.

Furthermore, excessive coverage of sensational topics can lead to the postponement of important issues. This prevents citizens from accessing information about issues that actually interest them, and reduces the problem-solving ability of society as a whole. As a result, media control infringes on the public’s right to know and threatens the healthy functioning of democracy.

Strategies for combating corrupt media

To counter a corrupt media system and restore truth, the following strategies are needed:

First of all, we need to strengthen transparency and accountability in the media. Media companies should disclose their reporting standards and funding sources, and establish internal audit systems to prevent bias in their reporting. We should also restore credibility by adhering to ethical standards in journalism and establishing strict penalties for disseminating false and fake news.

Next, it is important to promote the use of diverse media sources. Citizens are required to check multiple news sources and maintain a balanced information supply. It is also effective to support independent media and citizen journalism and create an information environment that is not dependent on mainstream media.

Furthermore, it is also necessary to strengthen media literacy education. To improve the public’s ability to assess the reliability of information, media literacy education should be promoted in schools and communities, and people should be made aware of fake news and biased reporting.

Another measure would be to strengthen regulation and oversight of digital platforms, particularly when the algorithms of social media and search engines encourage biased reporting.

Finally, each and every citizen is called upon to play a role in proactively verifying the veracity of information and spreading it. In order to ensure the accuracy of information, it is important for individuals to change their awareness and act accordingly, and cooperation from the entire society is essential.


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