Deep State EN

Cannabis and Petro: Echoes of the 20th Century

Cannabis and Petro: Echoes of the 20th Century -Hideo Nagayoshi The cannabis regulations of the 20th century were heavily influenced by the emergence of the oil industry. Up until the early 20th century, cannabis was utilized for a variety of applications. In Japan, cannabis was employed for a diverse range of products, including clothing, ropes for securing boats, tarps for covering loads, and laundry lines. Additionally, it was used in the straps of wooden sandals and the warp threads of tatami mats. "Geta and tatami?" While it might seem distant now, in an era before sneakers and hardwood floors, the straps of geta and zori sandals, along with the warp threads of tatami mats, were integral to Japanese life. I've…

Counterculture – The Historical Relationship Between War, Spirituality, and Cannabis

CountercultureThe Historical Relationship Between War, Spirituality, and Cannabis -Hideo Nagayoshi In the aftermath of World War II, the world was left in a state of exhaustion. As the young leader of the world, the United States emerged with a noble ambition to maintain global security. However, this aspiration was supported by the expansion of the oil and arms industries, which became key sources of power. Consequently, numerous wars and conflicts erupted worldwide. This trajectory has evolved into ongoing wars, including those between Ukraine and Russia, as well as between Israel and the Islamic world. Wars are instigated by nations and capitalists. However, it is ordinary citizens—those who have been working in cities or living as farmers—who find themselves facing each…

Deep State’s Concealment of the Truth and Manipulation of Information

The relationship between the mainstream media and the deep state is completely corrupt. It is clear that the shadowy forces of the deep state are manipulating the mainstream media to deceive the public. The major media are controlled by big corporations and financial elites, and as a result, they hide the truth and pursue only their own interests. This is the reality today. They are pawns of the deep state, spreading fake news and supporting policies that undermine American values and sovereignty. The truth that should be known to the public is hidden, and instead, lies are flying around. This is not just reporting, this is an information war. And behind it are technology companies and the advertising industry. They…

The Deep State’s Destruction of the World’s Soil and Microorganisms

The Deep State refers to the elite of bureaucrats and business who wield influence behind the scenes of the government and are deeply involved in agricultural policy. The oil and chemical industries, especially DuPont, play an important role in this regard. Their aim is to establish political and economic dominance by controlling agricultural production through chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and seed technology, and by controlling the food supply. The oil industry is involved in agriculture through the supply of petroleum products, which are the raw materials for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and dominates the market by strengthening agriculture's dependence on oil. The chemical industry increases short-term yields through the spread of agricultural chemicals, but at the same time causes soil degradation…

The power of the deep state that moves the world: A thorough analysis of its influence both at home and abroad

The Deep State is a concept that refers to a hidden power structure that exists separately from the overt government and public institutions and influences important policy decisions of the nation. It refers to a situation in which political or military organizations, bureaucracies, intelligence agencies, and the financial world are secretly connected and are believed to exercise power beyond the general public and the public decision-making process. The concept of the deep state is said to have originated in Turkey, where it arose from the influence of the country's military, intelligence agencies and secret nationalist organisations between the 1960s and 1990s. The term has come to be used in the context of concern over the existence of hidden forces that…

Hemp phytoremediation of Chernobyl radioactive contamination: scientific evidence and practice

Oak Ridge National Laboratory The Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident that occurred in 1986 was one of the worst nuclear disasters in human history, and its impacts caused enormous damage to the environment and people's lives. In particular, radioactive materials spread over a wide area, seriously contaminating the soil and water quality in the surrounding areas, and the impacts continue to this day. Purification of contaminated soil has been an issue for decades since the accident, but traditional physical and chemical methods alone often do not produce sufficient results. In response to this, a soil purification technology using plants called "phytoremediation" that utilizes the power of nature has attracted attention. Among these, hemp has the ability to grow rapidly and…

Solar panels are genocide on the roof 80% of the world's solar panels are made in China 45% of the world's solar grade silicon is made in Xinjiang In the Uyghur Autonomous Region, Uyghurs who believe in Islam are placed in concentration camps and treated as slaves. Xinjiang Uyghur re-education camp leaked files One million people in concentration camps. Forced education of Chinese Communist Party ideology Abuse and Torture Family division and removal of children Parents were sent to camps, and the remaining children were educated in orphanages for the ideology of the Chinese Communist Party. Forced abortion, sterilization and contraception to control Uyghur population growth © The New York Times Company Destruction of mosques and traditional cultural heritage Prohibition of religious events and practices Uyghur…

Deep State’s hemp prohibition and propaganda

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons The Deep State and American politics Former U.S. President Trump has pledged to destroy the Deep State. Among his supporters, the Deep State is perceived as a secretive force that never comes out into the open, manipulating politics and the economy behind the scenes. These forces are referred to by various names, including the military-industrial complex, international finance capital, and even the Rothschilds, Freemasons, and Illuminati. Some Trump supporters believe that these forces are trying to control not only the United States, but the entire world. Five major conglomerates with significant power in the U.S. political economy It is often said that conglomerates run the…