Conservative hero fighting for cannabis – Japan holds the key to a turnaround!

Conservative hero fighting for cannabis

Japan holds the key to a turnaround!

In Japan, one must be prepared to face various constraints when attempting to address anything related to hemp. Now is the time to break free from the world created by those who unjustly monopolize immense wealth, such as the Deep State, globalist financiers, and the military-industrial complex. Hemp serves as a symbol of this liberation.

For over 80 years in Japan, the successful propaganda campaign labeling cannabis as evil has laid the groundwork for a more insidious trend. Recently, the influence of the Censorship-Industrial Complex has become increasingly apparent, as it skillfully manipulates public opinion, systematically attacks critics, and seeks to suppress free speech. The fact that various forms of information are being manipulated and directed by multiple organizations, including the media, cannot be overlooked. In this environment, individuals are left in fear of having their voices silenced at any moment, leading to a climate of self-censorship and shrinking space for discourse. Consequently, a stifling social media landscape resembling a false democracy has quietly emerged, where uncertainty reigns over when or how one might be erased from the digital sphere.

In the summer of 2024, during the election to determine the leader of Tokyo, one candidate boldly advocated for cannabis legalization, campaigning on the theme of cannabis throughout the election period and calling for unity. However, all major media outlets in Japan, including prominent newspapers and television stations, completely ignored this movement, effectively silencing it. Additionally, in the early stages of the election, individuals who believed in the notion of cannabis as evil expressed revulsion at the candidate’s discussions surrounding cannabis, leading to a phenomenon where supporters distanced themselves from the candidate, claiming that he was “mad,” that it would have a “negative impact on the election,” and that they could not support him.

Starting from scratch

Building a True Traditional Conservative

The candidate’s assertions strongly appealed to Japan’s traditions, advocating for the acceptance of cannabis as a part of Japan’s cultural heritage that spans thousands of years. This included a recognition of cannabis’s recently acknowledged global utility. However, for individuals indoctrinated by the notion of cannabis as evil over the past 80 years, this call for cannabis acceptance was perceived as an intolerable stance. Consequently, the candidate’s previously established support base nearly vanished, resulting in a zero-start situation.

What became clear was the distinction within the so-called conservative faction regarding the definition of conservatism itself. Many in the conservative camp represented a post-war conservatism, focused on preserving the status quo established over the past 80 years. In contrast, the candidate advocated for a traditional conservatism aimed at restoring Japan’s cultural heritage. By discussing cannabis, the candidate illuminated the previously vague distinction between this “post-war conservatism” and “traditional conservatism.” This revelation marked a significant historical moment, exposing the puppeteers behind the scenes.

As this distinction became clear, the candidate garnered support from those who had previously distanced themselves: individuals marginalized by society, those who felt a sense of dissonance, and the oppressed. The candidate held a belief that “what is politics if it cannot save the weak,” and within this framework, cannabis emerged as a key symbol of that conviction.

Fusion and unity with Cannabis

Creating new values

Amidst this backdrop, the arrival of a ceremonial hemp rope, regarded by Japan’s largest hemp farmer as a divine representation, brought significant attention to the campaign office. This act resonated with those advocating for the utility of hemp, individuals dedicated to preserving Japan’s traditional culture rooted in hemp, and people who embrace Shinto beliefs, which are deeply intertwined with nature worship and ancestral reverence. As a result, a new base of support emerged, forming a traditional conservative faction united by these shared values.

The history of hemp in Japan has long been an integral part of the foundational culture of the Japanese people. However, over the past 80 years, it has been unfairly relegated to the status of a symbol of evil, a topic so taboo that discussing it has become difficult. The emergence of the statement “Hemp is right” has brought a ray of hope, significantly shifting the narrative. No matter how much it has been ignored or disparaged, the sincere attitude of the candidate advocating for hemp resonates with the marginalized status of hemp itself, as well as the position of traditional Japanese culture and the plight of social minorities. This fusion has sparked a new movement that transcends the artificially created divisions of right and left, beginning to foster an unprecedented unity among various factions.

Additionally, the initiative to save a young girl suffering from a rare disease through the use of CBD derived from hemp has become a significant catalyst for the implementation of new laws and a review of existing regulations concerning hemp.

Furthermore, as the election entered its final stages, supporters who rallied alongside the cannabis-based Shinto community included hip-hop artists, who expressed their frustrations, irritations, and sense of dissonance with society through their music. Among them was a prominent star of Japanese hip-hop, a charismatic figure who collaborated with the candidate to create a rap track. The response to this collaboration was significant, as a video capturing the performance quickly spread, reaching an audience of nearly one million and leading to a growing number of supporters.

During the early stages of the campaign, gatherings attracted a few hundred attendees; however, as the election progressed, the number of supporters surged dramatically. By the final day of the election, thousands gathered to show their support. At the final rally, the candidate donned a necklace made from cannabis fibers, passionately advocating for the benefits of cannabis. The crowd erupted in enthusiastic cheers, uniting supporters from various backgrounds who had come together to back the candidate, creating a powerful sense of solidarity and fusion among them.

Cannabis symbolizes peace, transcending political divides. It embodies love for one’s country, the creation of a proud nation, the pursuit of a prosperous and safe life, and the effort to build a better future. This is the essence of traditional conservatism, championed by the candidate Toshio Tamogami, who called for unity and fusion among the people. The fight for cannabis represents all these ideals.

Although the electoral battle has concluded, the number of supporters, advocates, and understanding allies of traditional conservatism continues to grow. Persevering with conviction and acting without resignation or complacency is what will shape the present, the next generation, and the future. The events that transpired in Tokyo in the summer of 2024 are a testament to this truth. Now it is America’s turn.

Now it's your turn!!

I'm hiring you!!

Image courtesy of CNN

The final push to victory!!

Trump's winning formula!!

Battles that will go down in history and battles that will remain in history

A fight that will change history and the future!!

Remember Rosebud!

The curse of the Censorship-Industrial Complex, which cleverly tries to manipulate public opinion

You're fired!!

Let’s strive to become a great nation that commands respect!

Freedom from oppression!!

A fusion of Japan and the US!

The fight to reclaim Japan

The fight to take back America

Trump's victory will save the world!!

The hint is Japan's capital, Tokyo!!

The key to victory is Japan

What is the key to victory?

You are right!

We are right!!

Let's go!

A moment of unity!

Not to fight with anyone, not to compete with anyone, not to steal from anyone, but to help each other and unite for our future!

Now it's your turn!!


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